

Guide to Rango Movie Easter Eggs Wallpaper


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Hidden easter egg wallpaper picture of cemetery outside of town where the previous sheriffs are buried from the 2011 CG animated movie Rango wallpaper still image.

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There are quite a few easter eggs on the official Rango movie website, two of which reveal hidden wallpaper pictures. There's also a little grid of 10 squares along the bottom of the view (next to the audio button) to check off the major easter eggs you've found during your visit. To get started, go the Official Rango Movie web site and follow the directions below.

When you first enter the website, you will on "The Road". Here are the Rango easter eggs you can find there. Note that the view can pan left or right. If you see the sign that says "This way to Dirt", then you're on the right side. Move the mouse to the left to pan left and see the rest of the scene.

  1. Click on the radio. It will play music.
  2. Click on the pill bug on the right (sort of looks like coconut). When clicked, it will roll into the hole next to it and then be thrown back out. Do this three times and the gophers will come out.
  3. Click on the toad (looks like a rock) to poke him. Each time you poke him he will mumble or complain. Do this about 30-40 times and he will stand up and lecture you.
  4. On the left side of the road there will be small plastic palm tree on its side. Click it and it will stand up. Click it again and it will shoot coconuts into the road. Hit a passing car with one and it will honk it's horn.
  5. Click on the wind-up fish and it will pop up and spin around.
  6. See the telephone polls running down the left side of the screen? Click the fourth pole down and it will move. Now click the next closer one, and then repeat one more time with the next closer one. When you do, a roadrunner will come out from behind the first pole you clicked and run towards you.
  7. Move the mouse cursor back and forth across the strings of the guitar and it will strum (no need to click). Do this several times and one of the Mariachi owls will come on screen and play for a little bit.
  8. Finally, click the sign that says "This way to Dirt" to go to the next area.

Once you click the sign to go to the town of Dirt, you will on the road just outside of town. There are three ways you can go from here:

  1. To the left of town, you'll see some tombstones. Click here to go to the graveyard. Once you're in the graveyard, click on the hat on top of the cross. When you do, you'll have the option to download a hidden wallpaper. There are no other easter eggs here, so when you're done, click the "Back" sign to return.
  2. Click on the buttes on the right to go there. Wait a minute and watch the clouds slide by. Soon the wind-up fish will appear towards the right side of the screen over one of the buttes. Click it to reveal a hidden wallpaper you can download. There's nothing else to do here, so click "Back" to return.
  3. Lastly, click in the center to go into town.

Once you're town, there are again a left and right side to the view. Move the mouse to the edge to pan.

  1. See the bird in the rocking chair? Click on the bottle he's holding. He will either take a drink or nearly fall backwards in the rocking chair.
  2. After a short time a buzzard with a limp will walk out. Once he's standing still, click on him and he'll tip his hat. Click again and he'll do this again. Click a third time and he'll look surprised and then walk off.
  3. Click on the pole that hangs between the Saloon and the General Store. When you do, a curtain will come and down and show the movie trailers.

An awkward chameleon named Rango aspires to be a swashbuckling hero and finds himself in a Western town plagued by bandits and is forced to literally play the role in order to protect it. This movie is an action adventure story taking place in the Mohave desert where the animals dress in western cowboy attire and live a wild west lifestyle. Rango is based on an original idea by "Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski. In it, Johnny Depp stars as a Hawaiian-shirt clad chameleon with an identity crisis. Rango is an oddly charismatic household pet that goes on an adventure to discover his true self. The movie co-stars Isla Fisher, Abigail Breslin, Alfred Molina, Bill Nighy, Harry Dean Stanton, Ray Winstone, and Timothy Olyphant as The Spirit of the West. Rango (2011) is a photo-realistic CG animated movie from Nickelodeon and Paramount Studios with animation supplied by Industrial Light & Magic (ILM). This still image desktop wallpaper background HD 1080p picture photo image is copyright by Paramount and Nickelodeon and is for use as desktop wallpaper and iPhone wallpaper/iPad background wallpaper only.

hidden easter egg Rango wallpaper of the cemetery outside of the town of Dirt

Guide to Rango Movie Easter Eggs wallpaper - Click picture for high resolution HD wallpaper

Mac/PC Instructions:

  1. Click preview image above to download or view full size free desktop wallpaper.
  2. Right-click on full size image and select option to set as wallpaper or desktop background/picture.

iPhone/iPad Instructions:

  1. Tap preview image above to display full size wallpaper image for the iPhone/iPad.
  2. Touch and hold your finger on the image until the side-up menu appears and select "Save Image".
  3. Go to Settings and select Wallpaper.
  4. Select either the lock screen or springboard background.
  5. Select "Camera Roll" and find the image you saved in step 2 and tap it.
  6. Move and scale the image as desired, then tap "set" to set iPhone/iPad wallpaper background.

License and Terms of Use

  • These pictures are NOT stock photos and may not be used as such.
  • Wallpaper images are licensed for personal use as desktop backgrounds ONLY.
  • All commercial use of these images and pictures is prohibited.
  • These desktop backgrounds and wallpapers may NOT be reproduced, retransmitted, or redistributed in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without express written consent.
  • Wallpaper may NOT be altered or modified.
  • The watermark on the picture may NOT be altered, removed or obscured.

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