

Apple Mac OS X Lion Wallpaper


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High resolution HD picture wallpaper of the big cat male African lion animal that Apple uses with the Lion release of Mac OS X wallpaper. Apple Mac OS X Lion includes a host of new features including LaunchPad, Mission Control, new gestures and animations, full screen apps, Mail 5, auto save and file versioning, Air Drop, a new version of File Vault to keep files secure with encryption, and the OS now comes integrated with Lion Server. This lion wallpaper picture photo image is copyright by Apple and is compatible with Mac and PC, and can be used on iPhone and iPad as background wallpaper.

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Head and mane of a large African Lion that Apple uses with the Lion release of Mac OS X operating system

Apple Mac OS X Lion wallpaper - Click picture for high resolution HD wallpaper

Mac/PC Instructions:

  1. Click preview image above to download or view full size free desktop wallpaper.
  2. Right-click on full size image and select option to set as wallpaper or desktop background/picture.

iPhone/iPad Instructions:

  1. Tap preview image above to display full size wallpaper image for the iPhone/iPad.
  2. Touch and hold your finger on the image until the side-up menu appears and select "Save Image".
  3. Go to Settings and select Wallpaper.
  4. Select either the lock screen or springboard background.
  5. Select "Camera Roll" and find the image you saved in step 2 and tap it.
  6. Move and scale the image as desired, then tap "set" to set iPhone/iPad wallpaper background.

License and Terms of Use

  • These pictures are NOT stock photos and may not be used as such.
  • Wallpaper images are licensed for personal use as desktop backgrounds ONLY.
  • All commercial use of these images and pictures is prohibited.
  • These desktop backgrounds and wallpapers may NOT be reproduced, retransmitted, or redistributed in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without express written consent.
  • Wallpaper may NOT be altered or modified.
  • The watermark on the picture may NOT be altered, removed or obscured.

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