

Hammerhead Titanothere Creature from Avatar Wallpaper


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The Hammerhead Titanothere (Na’vi name: Angtsìk) is approximately eleven meters long, which is almost twice the size of an elephant, and is essentially a six-legged, monstrous version of Earth’s extinct group of animals called Titanotheres, hence the name. The Titanothere is a food source for the Na’vi. From the James Cameron movie Avatar.

This massive, grazing creature travels in moderately large herds or packs of 10-20 animals. It is moderately social, but also extremely territorial and hierarchical. Constant threat displays, both visible and audible, are very common during the Hammerhead Titanothere’s day. When angered (which happens easily and very often), a Titanothere will lower its head and charge at the perceived threat. The sheer momentum and ferocity of this display is usually enough to send any Pandoran creature running for cover, including Mountain Banshees and even viperwolf packs. When wanting to avoid battle, Hammerheads will raise a large “fan” of brightly colored feathers on the top of its head. This display, usually accompanied by a loud roar, is usually enough to send many animals running away. This image is copyright 20th Century Fox.

large hammerhead creature on Pandora

Hammerhead Titanothere Creature from Avatar wallpaper - Click picture for high resolution HD wallpaper

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  4. Select either the lock screen or springboard background.
  5. Select "Camera Roll" and find the image you saved in step 2 and tap it.
  6. Move and scale the image as desired, then tap "set" to set iPhone/iPad wallpaper background.

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