
Nature desktop wallpaper:

Browse the selection of Nature wallpaper and pictures below. All Nature wallpaper, photos, pictures images are compatible for Mac and PC and may be used as iPhone wallpaper and iPad wallpaper as well.



tree covered in moss against a blue sky
evergreen tree branch
moss hanging from a tree branch
horizontal layers in rock face
round bloom of lichen on a rock
trees bending over a hiking trail
large rock outcropping with holes like swiss cheese
eagle owl resting on a branch
turtle on a log
grey koala bear in a tree
grey koala bear in a tree
grey koala bear in a tree
koala bear in a tree
head and crest of a peacock with bright blue feathers
group of kangaroos on the grass
red ruffed lemur
group of flamingos asleep
pink flamingo
praire dog
golden eagle bird
crane bird in the water
head and crest of a crane bird
gorilla eating leaves
silverback gorilla
gorilla sitting on a rock
giraffe eating some leaves
closeup of giraffe's head and face