
Dinosaur desktop wallpaper:

Browse the selection of Dinosaur wallpaper and pictures below. All Dinosaur wallpaper, photos, pictures images are compatible for Mac and PC and may be used as iPhone wallpaper and iPad wallpaper as well.



scrat the ice age saber toothed squirrel
scratte the saber toothed squirrel in the ice age
sid the sloth in the ice age
a yellow and red t-rex stands smiling with an evil grin
small feathered bipedal dinosaur with sharp teeth and claws
well armored dinosaur with spikes, plates and a club like tail
small green bird-like dinosaur
carnivorous dinosaur walking on two legs, sharp claws and teeth
carnivorous dinosaur walking on two legs, sharp claws and teeth
carnivorous dinosaur walking on two legs, sharp claws and teeth
green herbivore dinosaur with parrot like beak and head crest
bipedal predator dinosaur with many sharp teeth, large head and long tail
bipedal predator dinosaur with many sharp teeth, large head and long tail
large bipedal carnivorous dinosaur
large bipedal carnivorous dinosaur
large bipedal carnivorous dinosaur
large bipedal carnivorous dinosaur
two large bipedal carnivorous dinosaurs
Small dinosaur with three horns and large head crest
a collection of life sized metal sculptures/statues of bipedal dinosaurs
closeup of dinosaur's head, mouth open with many teeth
a life sized dinosaur lurks in the bushes
trixie the triceratops dinosaur from toy story
rex the tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur from toy story
rex the tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur toy from toy story
rex the green tyrannosaurus dinosaur from Toy Story
blue triceratops action figure from toy story 3